Difference betweenUI and UX Design

     UI Designers often make very good UX practitioners. They have visual design skills, communication skills, and critical problem-solving skillsthat translate well to a role in UX.

     However, we tend to see designersthat acquire UX in their title without taking on the necessary shift in their work to learn and practice research methods in addition to the visual designof a website or application.

Instead of only focusing on our own opinions and judgment of a design we want to drive decision-making based on real data and observations made from watching users.

        Let’s talk about some ways to changeour mindset to be more user-focused. First, re-assess your priorities and goalsand challenge your assumptions. 

You’re not just designing for you anymore. Your goals are now sharedwith your user’s goals. Be sure that those goals arenot just visually oriented. Think about the problem thatyou’re solving for your users and how viable your solution is for them.

Take your UI designs one step further by putting them in front of real people. See how they navigate through the designs and compare that to the expectationsyou had before the test. Remember that if users stumblethrough your design, it’s not the fault of the user, but ratherthe fault of the design.

Rarely will your design beperfect the first time. It’s okay to go back and makechanges based on feedback. Now that your role goes beyond visual design, research will play a big part of your day-to-day. 

Learn about which methods to use when, and how they will be beneficial to your team. And don’t be afraid to bring your design skills into the research process Experiment with simple, visually appealingways of sharing research findings that will appeal to your team and stakeholders. And finally, come out from behind your computer screen and get comfortable with facilitation.

The overall experience of an applicationis not just the job of the designer. Everyone involved on the teamshould take responsibility in creating a great user experience. It’s your job to bring everyonetogether to collaborate on that. 

Good ideas can come from anywhere. Realizing this will not only helpyou become a better designer, but you’ll become a more well-rounded andempathetic UX practitioner in the process. When transitioning from UI to UX, focusless on the pixels and more on your users. 


Competitor analysis

Customer analysis and user research -

Product structure and strategy

Content development

Prototyping and wireframing

Testing and iteration

Coordination with UI designer(s)

Coordination with developer(s)

Analysis and iteration  


Difference betweenUI and UX  


Understanding of UX design process and research

Customer analysis

Design research

Branding and graphic development

User guides and storylines

UI prototyping

Interactivity and animation

Adaptation to all device screen sizes 

Implementation with developer(s) 

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